Jan 15, 2009

ƒree People

I dont really like Free People, the clothes are overpriced and i usually get death stares when im in there anyway. But the shoes are incredible and are actually at  reasonable prices. They are the type of shoes you  just dont get sick of. Im thinking of getting the top ones or the black ones on the second row. Which ones your favorite?


Jo. said...

i love the studded boots. especially the moccasins.
& the same thing happens to me when I went once to free people, i left so pissed cuz one of the salesclerks were talking about my clothes, but the shoes are pretty nice.

Anonymous said...

the top ones are adorable!!! but $228 dollars!?!? ahh what the.. haha. i could never buy anything from there. i get their catalogues in the mail, though. along with several other stores' that i'll never get anything from because of the price. fun to look at!

hmm, the employess don't sound nice anyway! I've never been in a store, thankfully. I'd get chewed out with how i look!

FleurLux said...

jo+yeah i really like the studded ones too

kate+actually 228 isnt that that bad, compared to shoes that look like that range from 250-400. Its not a great store, so your not really missing anything anyway.

Betty-Lou Do said...

i saw a simple tank top that had lace just bellow the breast area and it was $100, I cringed.

the boots I adore though, but couldn't manage to pay that much

FleurLux said...

and thats why that store is ridiculous

a reference said...

good tip! p.s. i love your blog!!

Elaine C Miller said...

boots with studssss

oh. i hate free people too.....

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